We are a brand new personal training family business tailored to clients with a disability.

    We truly believe that everyone, regardless of their disability, deserves the chance to enjoy sports.

    We have a passion for improving the quality of life for anyone with or without a disability and to help them build the confidence to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Learn more

Why Choose Personal Trainers For Individuals With A Disability?

Fitness and an active lifestyle shouldn't be out of reach for anyone, regardless of ability. That's why Sports Ability runs personal training for those with special needs, including NDIS personal training, which empowers our clients to achieve their health and wellness goals. Here's why consulting with our team of experienced and passionate disability trainers near you can make a difference:

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Customised Training Programs:

Traditional fitness routines may not always suit individuals with disabilities. Our personalised approach ensures your workout program is specifically designed for your unique needs and abilities. Through an initial assessment, our personal trainers will gain a comprehensive understanding of your fitness level, disability, and any limitations you may have. They will then work closely with you to set realistic goals, setting a safe and effective program that caters to your specific strengths and weaknesses.

Building Confidence In A Supportive Environment:

Starting a new exercise routine can be daunting, especially if you have a disability. Our NDIS disability trainers prioritise creating a safe and supportive environment where you feel comfortable asking questions and pushing your limits. They are patient, encouraging, and dedicated to helping you build confidence in your abilities. This positive atmosphere fosters a sense of accomplishment and empowers you to embrace an active lifestyle with newfound self-belief.

Specialised Expertise For Different Needs:

Our personal trainers for individuals with a disability boast a diverse range of expertise, allowing us to cater to various disabilities. Whether you have mobility limitations, visual impairments, or neurological conditions, we can develop a training program that addresses your specific needs. Thanks to our NDIS personal training, we understand the unique challenges associated with each disability and are committed to providing safe and effective exercise modifications that allow you to participate fully in your workouts.

Focus on More Than Just Physical Fitness:

Sports Ability believes that fitness goes beyond the physical. Our personal trainers for individuals with a disability understand the physical and mental benefits associated with exercise, and they incorporate strategies to address these aspects as well. They can help you manage stress, improve sleep quality, and boost your overall well-being. Furthermore, for individuals with disabilities, exercise can be a powerful tool for managing symptoms, increasing independence, and promoting a sense of self-empowerment.

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Maximising NDIS Funding for Personalized Training:

Many individuals with disabilities are eligible for funding through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to support their health and well-being goals. Our NDIS personal training team is well-versed in navigating the NDIS system and can help you understand if personalised training services may be covered under your plan. We can assist you with the application process and ensure your NDIS funding is utilised effectively to achieve your desired outcomes.

Training on Your Terms:

We understand that getting to a gym can be a challenge for some. That's why we offer mobile personal training services. Our personal training for those with special needs actually brings the gym directly to you. We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the joy of movement, regardless of ability.

  • 1:1 Personal Training

  • Group training session

  • Boxing classes

  • Boxing/Youth Mentoring

  • Mobile & Active Support Services

  • All Inclusive Sports & Activities

  • Individualised Meal Programs

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Let’s get in touch

Personal Trainers for Individuals With A Disability

At Sports Ability, we believe that fitness should be the same for everyone, especially individuals with a disability. We aim to make personal training and wellness accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. We're not just personal trainers for people with disabilities but champions for inclusive fitness, committed to helping each person reach their full potential.

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Personalised Training Tailored to Your Needs

Our approach to personal training for those with special needs is aimed at really improving their lives. We acknowledge that every journey is different and believe our specialised programs can help you succeed with confidence. Whether you're looking for one-on-one sessions or prefer the energy of group workouts, our trainers are skilled in adapting to your specific requirements.

Inclusive Boxing and Group Sessions

Boxing is not just a sport; it helps you feel strong and confident. Our boxing classes are more than just exercises; they empower you. As part of our commitment to personal training for those with special needs, these classes are designed to be accessible and enjoyable. Similarly, our group sessions foster a sense of community and belonging, crucial for anyone on their fitness journey, particularly .

Mobile Training: Bringing Fitness to You

Our mobile disability trainers are equipped to bring the best of fitness to your comfortable environment, be it at home or a Local park in your area or in campbelltown. This service ensures that your travel limitations do not restrict your fitness goals.

Personal Trainers And Customised Meal Plans

We believe that fitness is incomplete without proper nutrition. Our personal trainers for individuals with a disability are also knowledgeable in crafting individualised meal plans. We understand the importance of a balanced diet in achieving your fitness goals.

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Join Us for a Free Trial

Experience the difference with a free trial session. This is an opportunity to meet our team, understand our approach, and see firsthand how we can support your fitness journey.

Our Expert Disability Trainers

Choosing Sports Ability means opting for a fitness partner who truly understands the nuances of personal training for those with special needs. Our disability trainers near you are not just fitness experts but compassionate, patient, and deeply committed to your success. We have built a reputation for excellence in NDIS personal training, and our growing community of satisfied clients is a testament to our effectiveness.

We are more than just personal trainers for individuals with a disability; we are your partners in achieving a healthier, more active lifestyle. Join us and discover how our NDIS personal training can transform your life. Contact us today on 0431 028 707 to get started.